This Policy makes public the IO Group’s commitment to comply with the anti-corruption standards set out in its Code of Conduct and in the regulations applicable in the places where it operates, as well as its outright rejection of any practice that may be classified as corruption, whether public or private.
This Policy is approved within the framework of the Group’s Regulatory Compliance Programme and, in its development, an Anti-Corruption Standard has been approved. Policy and Standard form, at the regulatory level, the anti-corruption management system, which aims to:
○ promote due diligence measures in procurement
○ implement measures to prevent, detect and manage conflicts of interest
○ provide guidelines for giving or accepting gifts, entertainment or travel
○ promote practices that accurately and accurately reflect all financial transactions, transactions and disposition of assets of the organisation in detail
○ promote good practice in the granting of donations and sponsorships
○ have an internal channel, the Accountability Channel, for raising concerns, incidents or irregularities related to corruption
○ support training and awareness-raising for staff in the fight against corruption.
The Policy applies to all Group companies and all their staff, regardless of their position and place of work. It may be extended to third parties (intermediaries, partners, consultants, suppliers, etc.), to the extent that they expose the Group to the risk of corruption and the nature of the relationship so permits. Non-compliance may lead to disciplinary action, in accordance with current labour regulations, and, in the case of third parties, to the termination of their relationship with the organisation.
The Group’s Regulatory Compliance Committee is the collegiate body that oversees the design and implementation of the anti-corruption system and to which any doubts or non-compliance in this area should be reported, using the Canal Responsable tool, accessible on the corporate website. The IO Group does not tolerate any form of retaliation against persons who make such reports in good faith or against those who refuse or refuse to participate in activities in which they reasonably believe there is a risk of corruption.